U Supermarkets Film, Digital Christmas catalog #GenderFreeChristmas by TBWA Paris

The Film titled Christmas catalog #GenderFreeChristmas was done by TBWA Paris advertising agency for U Supermarkets in France. It was released in Dec 2015.

U Supermarkets: Christmas catalog #GenderFreeChristmas

December 2015
December 2015
Production Agency

Credits & Description:

This is the question that Systeme U has tasked itself with answering over the 2015 Christmas period. Children are constantly exposed to preconceived ideas, whether at school, on TV or even in toy catalogs. Systeme U is one of the first retailers to offer a theme-based toy catalog that is gender-neutral. This year, the group has decided to take a stand because being a major retailer in France today means being a social stakeholder, in touch with the French people. Few French brands dare display their social commitment and even fewer dare to do so through film. But, in a video to be shown on TV and online from December 20, 2015, Systeme U reveals that there are no such things as girls' toys and boys' toys but just toys. Produced by the agency TBWAParis, this film will be backed by a bi-media approach: on TV with a one-minute commercial and online with a dedicated media & social media campaign.
Client : Système U
Brand: U Supermarket
Advertiser Manager: Sandrine Burgat
Agency Managers: Luc Bourgery, Philippe Senejoux, Marianne Durand
Artistic Director: Bruno Bicalho-Carvalhaes
Copywriter: Antoine Gauquelin
Production Company: Else
Director: Alex & Niko