Volkswagen Film Case study by Achtung! Amsterdam

The Film titled Case study was done by Achtung! Amsterdam advertising agency for Volkswagen in Netherlands. It was released in Jul 2017.

Volkswagen: Case study

July 2017
March 2020

Credits & Description:

Client: Volkswagen
Agency: Achtung! Mcgarrybowen
Production Company: Captcha
Concept Creator: Florian Hollander, Vincent Versluis
Art Director: Vincent Versluis
Copywriter: Florian Hollander
Interaction Designer: Robot Kittens
Director: Pink Rabbit
Sound Studio: Soundcircus
Sound Design: Soundcircus
Project Lead Client Side: Jasper Van Der Bijl
Business Director: Sven Vening
Account: Dirk Jan De Krom
Strategy Director: Boris Nihom
Brand Communication Manager: Leony Hogenes (pon's Automobielhandel - Volkswagen)
Team Manager Marketing Communication: Eric Bun (pon's Automobielhandel - Volkswagen)
VW is perceived as a reliable and solid car brand. But no one knows that the new generation of Volkswagen is full of (proven) innovations.
We needed to change the perception and give Volkswagen a more innovative brand image, by using the new innovations that come in the next generation Volkswagens. But with that new image, we also had to stay true to the human side of the Volkswagen brand. And since innovation is most of all not very human, but just technical, our challenge was to find a way to bring these together.
Position Volkswagen as a innovative brand in a human way. Get people interested in the brand and get them to the dealer for our new VW models.**
We introduced the innovations of the next generation of Volkswagens by transforming the next generation of drivers… into Volkswagens.
The youngest members of the family are early adopters when it comes to new technology. That’s why we created a suit that impressed even the youngest tech-savvy generation: The Volkswagen Robosuit. This way we made the innovations tangible in a human way.
We activated drivers to come to the dealers and pick up the give-away. Parents could experience the innovations first hand in a test drive, while kids played with their interactive toy. With the help of a smart app we made sure the suit mimicked all the innovations of the real car.
The Robosuit was the core ‘property’ of our brand campaign and drove awareness in all media: on TVC, in social, via influencers, in targeted newsletters and - of course - via the dealerships, where more than 20.000 people went to get their suits. After which they spontaneously began to share #Robopak on social media.
62% more traffic to the dealerships
All 20.000 suits were out of stock in just 1 week.
“It’s crowded like Ikea” - A comment made by a dealer on the day the suits were released.
3.255.000 on Facebook with 6 videos
62% paid vs. 38% organic
2.862.455 views on YouTube with 7 videos
74% paid vs. 26% organic views
1219-TV & 155-Online-video forced
VW has entered the top 3 of most innovative car brands in the segment (after Audi and Volvo)
88% of respondents perceive Volkswagen as a more innovative brand after being exposed to the campaign.
As a result of the campaign, innovation is now the third argument for choosing a Volkswagen next to price (1) and reliability (2).