Wereldsolidariteit Film Tahras Workout by Boondoggle Leuven

The Film titled Tahras Workout was done by Boondoggle Leuven advertising agency for Wereldsolidariteit in Belgium. It was released in Jul 2017.

Wereldsolidariteit: Tahras Workout

July 2017
July 2017
Production Agency
Art Director
Creative Director
Executive Creative Director
Art Director


Eurobest Awards 2017
Creative DataData StorytellingGold Eurobest

Credits & Description:

Client: Wereldsolidariteit
Product (Service): Cleane Kleren
Agency: Boondoggle Leuven, Belgium
Entrant: Boondoggle Leuven, Belgium
Idea Creation: Boondoggle Leuven, Belgium
Creative Director: Merel van den Broeck (Boondoggle)
Art Director: Jonas Marysse (Boondoggle)
Art Director: Dirk Pierloot (Boondoggle)
Copywriter: Willem De Geyndt (Boondoggle.)
Executive Creative Director: Leon Jacobs (Boondoggle)
Agency Producer: Doris De Smet (Boondoggle)
Account Manager: Marjon Lepage (Boondoggle)
Account Director: Nico Croes (Boondoggle)
Managing Partner - Brand Development: Stijn Cox (Boondoggle)
Communications Manager: Jaklien Broekx (Wereldsolidariteit)
Film director: Edouard Valette (Caviar)
Producer: Geert de Wachter (Caviar)
Executive Producer: Eva Van Riet (Caviar)
Published: July 2017
The Campaign
Everyday more than 650,000 Cambodians go to work in garment factories to make the sports clothes in which millions of athletes and sports enthusiasts push themselves to the limits. The conditions inside many of these factories, and the long working hours, put a huge strain on the workers.
To make athletes and sports fanatics aware of this, we wanted to show how hard these workers work in terms they could understand. That's why we conducted an undercover experiment by attaching off-the-shelf sports performance measuring gadgets to a Cambodian woman who works in a garment factory.
We measured heart rate, calories burned, humidity, hours worked and temperature to show how hard they worked. We also demonstrated how little they get paid to produce these items that are sold at a premium around the world.
To further create awareness, we created a 2' online film to document our experiment, along with a 30" TV commercial (re-enactment) - asking members of the public to sign a petition to demand better working conditions for garment factory workers.
Hours worked: 10:03:48
Maximum air humidity: 85%
Maximum temperate: 34 degrees Celsius
Maximum heart rate achieved: 146bpm
Calories burned: 2439
Amateur and professional athletes rely on data from consumer fitness tracking devices to see how far they can push themselves. We wanted to use the same data from the same types of devices to show these sports people in what poor conditions garment workers have to push themselves to make their sports apparel.
Thus, this is using the data they understand to tell a story they need to hear.
We used the following devices:
- Apple Watch (Series 1) paired with iPhone 7
- Wahoo heart rate monitor
- Fitbit One
- Unknown integrated brand thermometer and humidity meter