Wings Financial Credit Union Film Life Happens by Clarity Coverdale Fury

The Film titled Life Happens was done by Clarity Coverdale Fury advertising agency for Wings Financial Credit Union in United States. It was released in Apr 2016.

Wings Financial Credit Union: Life Happens

April 2016
April 2016

Credits & Description:

Clarity Coverdale Fury (CCF) just released a video series for longtime client Wings Financial Credit Union highlighting the credit union’s mobile app capabilities. The videos, with a creative theme of "Life Happens," show the Wings mobile app as hero in a variety of humorous everyday life situations. Each video lightheartedly illustrates the idea that you can't always plan for life, but now you can at least bank for it using the Wings Financial mobile app.
Media: TV
Category: Finance & insurance
Client: Wings Financial Credit Union
Agency: Clarity Coverdale Fury, Minneapolis
Country: United States of America