We founded PIAF in 2010 with the aim of bringing the world’s best advertisements to Prague, one of the most beautiful cities in Europe boasting a strong and well utilized production background. The jury of the very first PIAF was led by Tim Delaney. However, the first real beginning for us was not until PIAF 2011 when it became a competition of creativity in a whole new way. The joint effort of customers and agencies towards the success of the advertisement and the importance of creativity of marketing professionals and communications agencies were reflected not only in the compilation of the jury but also the PIAF conference program.
The competition literally underwent a breakthrough. The traditional division of competition categories by type of media did not reflect current development trends. Advertising is ever changing and the traditional label of „competition“ will no longer suffice. The emotional effect and the participation of a target group is valued now more than ever in advertising. Creativity is furthermore also manifested in the last phases of brand evaluation – in the methods of sale and support. It is for this reason that we have introduced totally new categories.
PIAF is a venue for the meeting of professionals. The program of the conference, discussions and workshops rely on the exchange of opinions between the customer and the provider of advertising services.